Team Members
Working Together for a Sustainable Future
Are you a new or returning college or university student, or a high school student, who is curious about sustainable agriculture education, training, and career opportunities?
Are you a student alumni of a partner sustainable agriculture education program who would like to share your academic and employment experiences with current students?
Are you a college or university instructor, or a high school teacher, who is interested in adopting and offering sustainable agriculture courses and student farm experiences?
Are you a higher education, or secondary education, administrator who is committed to expanding your institution’s curricula to the field of sustainable agriculture?
If these or other related intentions reflect your dedication to growing a sustainable future for agriculture, farming, food, justice, and the environment, please contact the SAgE Collaborative or any of the other Team members today!
Jason Niebler
SAgE Collaborative
Director & Founder
Michael Frazier
Viva Farms
Executive Director
Rob Smith
Viva Farms
Director of Programs & Operations
College Certificate Programs
Lorraine Brooks
Edmonds College
Department of Horticulture, Head & Instructor
Sustainable Urban Agriculture Production program, Coordinator & Instructor
Jennifer Santry
Peninsula College
Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems program, Coordinator & Instructor
College Certificate and Associate Degree Programs
Bobby Butler
Highline College
Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security program, Coordinator & Instructor
Grace Sparks
Seattle Central College
Department of Biology, Instructor
Sustainable Urban Agriculture & Food Systems program, Co-Coordinator & Instructor
Claus Svendsen
Skagit Valley College
Department of Environmental Conservation, Chair & Instructor
Sustainable Small Farm Agriculture & Food Systems program, Coordinator & Instructor
University Bachelor of Science and Community Engagement Programs
Kara Adams
University of Washington Bothell
Director of Community Engagement
Colette Casavant
Washington State University
College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences, Director of Student Success
Nannette McGrath
Washington State University
Organic & Sustainable Agriculture major, Program Advisor (Everett Campus)
John Reganold
Washington State University
Department of Crop & Soil Sciences, Regents Professor of Soil Science & Agroecology
Organic & Sustainable Agriculture major, Director (Pullman Campus)
Kate Smith
Washington State University
Skagit County Extension and Food Systems Program, Northwest Small Farm & Latino Farm Educator